Emerald Class

Welcome to Emerald Class

Year 3 & 4

Mr Chaffe is our class teacher, with Mrs Pollitt teaching on a Tuesday morning and a Thursday afternoon. Mrs Elliott will teach Science on a Tuesday afternoon. We are ably assisted by our learning support assistants: Mrs Huntington and Mrs Wadsworth.


Click here to view the curriculum letter for Summer term

Click here to view the curriculum letter for the Autumn term

Click here for a welcome letter for Emerald class


PE & Forest School

PE takes place on a Wednesday and Thursday.Β  Please ensure that your child has a PE kit available every day. Forest school will take place very other Tuesday.


A piece of English and Mathematics homework will be sent home on a weekly basis to help consolidate the skills we learn in school. This year homework will be set Via Google Classroom every Friday to be returned by the following Thursday. Children will be given weekly spellings to learn which will be tested every Friday. Children are also expected to practise their tables and tested on a Wednesday. They will have log ins for Times Tables Rock Stars so they can prepare for the test.


Meet the Teacher PowerPoint for 2021/22


Our Class Blogs