
The school governorsย meet once a term for a Full Governing Body meeting and in between for different committees. ย These are the standards and effectiveness committee and the resources committee. ย The committees discuss the school curriculum and assessment, the development of the school building and grounds, the school budget and staffing issues. Our Governors are all volunteers who work incredibly hard to ensure children flourish at Caton St Paul’s.

The role of the Governors is three-fold:

  • To agree the strategic vision of the school
  • To ensure the financial probity of the school
  • To hold the Headteacher to account

List of Governors 2023 – 24

Name Category Term of office Committees Business interests Gov of other school Relationship to staff
Mrs Anna Shone


Foundation 30.11.22


Resources, SEC No Silverdale St John’s Yes, sister, niece
Mr Ian Gittins Headteacher 01.09.20 Resources, SEC No No No
Mrs Susan Rigby Foundation 19.10.23


Resources No No No
Dr Jenny Walmsley LEA 07.03.22-06.03.26 SEC No No No
Dr Angela Magee

Vice Chair

Foundation 01.09.21-31.08.25 SEC, (Chair) No No No
Miss Naomi Heap Staff 24.02.22-23.02.26 SEC. No No No
Mr Andrew Woodcock Parent 11.06.21-10.06.25 Resources (Chair) No No No
Mrs Hayley Whitaker Foundation 10.07.20-09.07.24 SEC No No No
Mr Lee Richardson Foundation 20.02.20-19.02.24 Resources No No No
Mr Tim Groves parent 11.06.21-10.06.25 Resources no no no
Mrs Rosemary Renyard Foundation 03.01.23 – 02.01.27 SEC no no no
Mrs Helen Scamman Ex-officio 01.02.23 Resources no no