Sapphire Class

Welcome to Sapphire Class

Sapphire Class is made up of Year 4 and Year 5 children with Miss Coates as the class teacher, Mrs Pollitt teaches on Mondays. We are helped by Teaching Assistants Mrs Wilson, Mrs France and Mrs Elliott. We are always happy for you to pop in for a chat if you have any concerns.


Click here to see a curriculum overview for Summer term

Click here for a curriculum overview for Autumn Term

Click here for a welcome letter for Sapphire class

Class blogs 2022-23

Here is the ‘Meet the Teacher’ video for Sapphire Class.


PE lessons will be on Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure the children have a PE kit in school every day.

Forest SchoolsΒ 

Forest schools will be on Wednesdays, please could children bring wellies and waterproofs each Wednesday.


Homework will consist of a weekly piece of Literacy which will be posted on Google Classroom every Friday to be submitted by the following Friday. Spellings will be added to Spelling Shed, children are asked to work on their multiplication skills by using Timetable Rockstars and Mathletics for their Maths homework.

Our Class Blogs

Click here to see all Sapphire Class blogs for the school year 2020/2021 πŸ’Ž