Chair: Julie Pearson, Vice Chair: Vacant,

Secretary: Josie Smith, Treasurer: Claire Fox

PTA calendar 2024-25

The Parent, Teacher and Friends Association is an essential part of the school and we welcome anyone who wants to help us support the children and the school.  By default, if you are a parent of a child at Caton St Paul’s then you are a member of the PTA.  We help in many ways, for example helping at school events, with projects, or even organising a whole event.  Some of the events or projects we support help raise funds, which are used by the school to invest in enhancing areas of the school or to buy equipment that will help boost the Children’s learning.  Fund-raising is done in a variety of ways throughout the year with the support of the PTA and volunteers.   The children are our focus and we always try to come up with exciting events and projects that the children will enjoy and want to contribute to.

Some events that have been organised include: a Disco, Movie Nights, Christmas Fair, a stall at Caton Gala, Easter Bingo and contribution to Sports Day.  PTA have also provided hospitality and sourced donations from local businesses for some of these events and the Christmas raffle.

It’s great when all the Parents, Teachers Friends and PTA Board get together to organise an event that is successful and enjoyed by all.  Helping with school activities, at events, with projects or hospitality is a brilliant way to make new friends and to get to know the children.    

There are regular PTA meetings, a new Caton St Paul’s PTA Facebook and PTA news that regularly goes out to parents via the school newssheet and/or parent mail.  We all want to work together to support our children, grandchildren and the school so please come along and join us at one of our meetings or events – we would love you to be included in our activities.

If you have any suggestions, questions or messages please feel free to contact me or any member of the Board by completing the fields below or via the school office.

Julie Pearson

Chair of the PTA Board


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