Amethyst Class

Amethyst class Spring term overview


In Amethyst Class our teacher is Mrs Sharples and our teaching assistants are Mrs Elliott and Mrs Machell.

Mrs Pollitt will teach each Thursday morning, covering the areas of PE, PHSE and French.

Click here for our Autumn Term curriculum overview

PE and Forest School

PE lessons will be on Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school every day. Our class forest school session will be on a Tuesday afternoon โ€“ please have a suitable change of footwear and waterproof clothing in school.


Children will be set homework every Friday which will be due in the following week. This will be English, Maths and Spelling. Children will be expected to read on a regular basis (approx. 5 times a week).

Ifย  you have any worries or concerns about your child, please contact Mrs Sharples either via the school office or by email:

We hope your child has a really happy and successful year in Amethyst class โ€“ we aim to work hard but still enjoy being together as a class.

We are a year six class and are enjoying our lovely new classroom.

Mrs Sharples will work closely with Miss Coates in Sapphire Class, to ensure consistency of teaching and learning across the curriculum for all Upper Key Stage Two children. Themed days and activities are also planned to ensure the curriculum is rich and varied.

Our Class Blogs

Click here to see all Amethyst Class blogs for the school year 2020/2021 ๐Ÿ’Ž