Ruby class Spring term overview

Welcome to Ruby Class
Click here to view the Autumn 2024 curriculum overview
Click here to view the Autumn term welcome letter
Year 1
Our teacher is Miss Heap and we are helped by our learning support Ms Lloyd and Mrs France. Mr Gittins will be teaching every Thursday afternoon.
Click here to see a welcome letter from Miss Heap
PE & Forest School
PE lessons are taught every Tuesday and Thursday, please ensure that your child’s PE kit is in school daily. We will be visiting Forest School on a Thursday afternoon. Please look out for dates and reminders on Google Classroom.
We encourage children to read at home daily. Please read and discuss the texts with your child as often as possible. We aim to change reading books every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please encourage your child to re-read their books to develop their reading fluency, expression and understanding of the text.
A piece of English and Mathematics homework will be sent home on a weekly basis to help consolidate the skills we have been learning in school. It will be uploaded on Google Classroom every Friday to be returned by the following Thursday.
Year 1 children will be given phonics tasks to practice and enhance their letters and sounds skills.
Our Blogs
Click here to see all of our blogs for the school year 2020/2021